Diving into the World of Quilled Art: Past, Present, and Your Artistic Future

Hey there, art buddies! Today, let’s chat about the cool history of paper quilling – an old-school craft turned into a modern art sensation. I’ll spill the beans on how you can become a certified quilling pro with tips and tricks from my video tutorials. Plus, I’ll show you the ropes for getting accredited through my easy-breezy online Zoom or in-person workshops.

Origins of Quilling: Like, Way Back in Time!

Picture this: a long time ago, artists used thin paper strips to make fancy designs. Monks and nuns even jazzed up religious stuff with these intricate patterns. Fast forward, and here we are, turning quilling into everything from snazzy jewelry to super cool wall art.

Quilling Today: Your Artistic Playground

Nowadays, quilling isn’t just a history lesson; it’s a super fun way to make awesome art. I’m here to teach you all the cool tricks to turn your quilling game up a notch. And guess what? I will teach you the ropes to get a fancy accreditation certificate to show off your mad skills!

Getting Accredited: Show Off Your Quilling Superpowers

Want everyone to know you’re a quilling champ? Join my workshops, either online or in person, and I’ll help you get that snazzy accreditation certificate. It’s like a high-five for being awesome at quilling!

Online Zoom Workshops: Learning in Your PJs!

Imagine chilling at home in your comfiest PJs while becoming a quilling wizard. That’s what my online Zoom workshops are all about. Learn the ropes, get personalized tips, and become a quilling superstar – all without leaving your couch.

In-Person Workshops: Hands-On Fun with Other Art Buddies

If you’re into the real deal, my in-person workshops are where it’s at. Hang out with cool folks, get your hands messy with quilling, and become a part of the quilling crew. It’s like a crafty party!

Time to Craft: Your Quilling Adventure Awaits

So, there you have it – the scoop on quilling’s rad history and how you can jump on the quilling train. Ready to make your mark in the quilling world? Let’s create some awesome art and have a blast doing it! 

#QuillingArt #CraftingHistory #PaperQuilling #QuillingOrigins #QuillingToday #QuillingAccredited #ZoomQuilling #InPersonCrafting #QuillingAdventure