Mixed Media Art w/ Resin and Moulds Tips

When using Zuri Inc moulds in your arts projects, consider these tips and tricks:

  1. Prepare the Mold Surface: Ensure the mould is clean and dry before use to achieve smooth castings.
  2. Use a release agent: Apply a thin layer of release agent before pouring materials into the mould. This helps in easy removal and extends the life of the mould.
  3. Select appropriate materials: Choose compatible casting materials such as resin, clay, or other mediums suitable for the specific Zuri Inc. mould you’re using.
  4. Mix materials correctly: Follow the recommended ratios and instructions for mixing casting materials to achieve optimal results.
  5. Avoid air bubbles: Tap the mold gently or use a vibrating table to help release any trapped air bubbles within the casting material.
  6. Demolding Carefully: Allow the casting to fully dry or cure before remolding. Be patient and gentle to avoid damaging the mold or the cast item.
  7. Clean with Care: Clean the mould after each use, avoiding abrasive materials that could scratch the surface.
  8. Store Properly: Store the moulds in a cool, dry place, preferably inside a plastic case so it doesn’t accumulate dust.
  9. Happy Creations!



